Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ethical Dilemma

Yesterday I was sitting at my desk, at work, when the other department secretary IM's me this: "I think (name of grad student who teaches) is stealing books from the book drive box....? Too awkward to say anything?"

This grad student who teaches, is not only an ETHICS teacher, but also a social and political justice teacher. So the thought of her stealing from a book drive for priests in Vietnam is really funny. I of course laugh and think this is just her being confused because of her language barrier issues. So I peek out my door, and sure enough she is on the ground sifting through the books. After getting the uncontrollable giggles out of me, I go over and say, "Oh (name) are you moving those books into the professors office for the day?"

She says, "No I am picking out ones I want."

I reply, "You know those books are for the priests in Vietnam who need them, right?"

She says, "Oh my gosh, oh no I did not know. But, ok. They do not know what they are getting so they will not miss a few."

I stared at this ETHICS teacher in disbelief as she continued to sort out the books she found worthy enough to steal. I then sat down at my desk to ponder my next move... from where I sat I could see she was actually putting the books back now, so I thought maybe she got it- and a freaking conscience- and honestly, maybe she would take 3 books, which whatever, I did not think it was worth the super awkward fight.

I was wrong.

About a minute later she ran by my door with a stack of books so large she was hunched over and using her chin to keep them from toppling over. Not only that, but, SHE CAME BACK FOR MORE! So I called her over and said, "Okay, really? I don't think you should be taking that much! These people NEED these books." She looked at me, and in her tiny little high strung nervous voice she said, "But they do not know what they are to get! Ok... I put some back." and then she took ONE book and put it back in the box, walked into her office and shut the door.

After she left for class I went into her office to see what all she had taken, but some how, that crafty tiny little woman had made off with all of them already.