Friday, January 30, 2009

Well since everyone is doing it...

25 Rando things about Holly: (yes the facebook viral "25 things" has hit me several times, so I am just doing it bloggy-style)

1. I have a huge family. We are all super tight knit and, to be honest, there really isn't a whole lot we wouldn't do for each other. (I am talking even out to the cousins.... don't mess with my fam, there are like 6,275,495,222.89 of us)
(this pic is ONLY the Esch side... I don't have a full picture of my mom's side... so there are even more!)

2. I am Lactose SUPER intolerant. But, I love ice cream. (sigh) Sometimes I will eat an entire pint of ice cream and just stay away from people for a long time.

3. If you could just douse my world in buffalo sauce, that would be great. Thanks.

4. When I was little I wanted to grow up to be a professional Duck Feeder. I had no clue how else ducks were fed if we did not bring them bread. After that I really wanted to work at grocery store because I thought scanning things was the coolest. ( I aimed high from a young age).

5. I make lists... I love lists... I have a book of lists that I carry with me, and then I save the books I make my lists in when they are all full.

6. I am fickle! I mean i can make a decisions, but don't you just want to try everything?? (curiosity will probably kill this cat).

7. I love dancing. Granted, I may not be the best, but if I can shake it until 5am, I will.

8. I LOOOVE traveling. My goal is to hit at least 2 new places each year. (These are the travelin' buddies for the NYC trip!)

9. My mom, My sister and I all have the same laugh. And believe me once you have heard the laugh, you know the laugh.

10. I actually like politics. I really do. I like how competitive it is, I like how riled up it makes me, and I really like working for a goal I believe in.

11. My grandma lived with me until the day she died. Grandma Good was the coolest woman, ever. She might be the reason I am as happy-go-lucky as I am.

12. My forehead currently hurts from having to fake cry in a show... that's how little I actually frown.

13. When I am stressed out or upset, I deep clean and rearrange my house.

14. My favorite sport to watch is rugby, followed by basketball. But, I love game days at Wrigley field and will go to any sporting event and probably be the person yelling the loudest, so long as I know the rules. ha.

15. I am working on two shows at the moment. (SHAMELESS PLUG) Buy tickets for "High School Production 4" here: tv2.cgi?location_number=2&show_num=2312. And the other show runs March 6,7,8 and I will have more info about that later :)

16. In my entire life I have had ONE person (that I know of) be afraid of me... and then I ruined it, because I was so excited about someone fearing me that I talked to her and basically... well I ruined it.

17. I get by with A LOT of help from my friends.

18. I am a planner, but I really love the unexpected. I like to be prepared for everything. I am like a 24 year old boy scout... with boobs... and the inability to tie really good knots.

19. Not a whole lot offends me. I should try to be more p.c. but, meh, life's too short.

20. I think sharing earrings is gross. eww ACK, gaaaaahhhh, giggidy. (just the thought!)

21. I like hanging out with little kids. Their imagination is infectious. I also like hanging out with the elderly, their wisdom is sobering.

22. I do not like cats. They are too sneaky.

23. I am super jumpy, but watch out, as my sister will tell you, my first instinct is to jab when you scare me... or I hug myself, poor Kelly got the jab...

24. My dad frequently leaves me voice mails in Spanish, which I do not speak, but for some reason I listen to them the whole way through.

25. I can ride a horse, shoot a gun, birth a calf(not on my own... but I will do it), shuck corn, drive a four wheeler and carry like 5 children at once... and yet, I am a DEMOCRAT.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bawling my Eyes Out

I am so so so Proud today. I am so proud to live in the country I live in.

I am proud that the American people voted for an intelligent man who gave a realistic speech.

I believe in our system, I believe that with the right leadership we will make it work again. We will adapt it to our times and it will take a long time, but we will see the necessary changes.

I am glad that our President did not give false hope, rather he laid out the work we have ahead of us and asked for our help. One man cannot fix everything, but he is going to work hard for us and we should in turn work hard for each other.

I am proud because we might finally unify once again and become the great nation I know we can be.

I am an American. I voted for President Barack Obama. I believe in our country... and I am going to go cry again over how proud and hopeful I am.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baby, it's Mother #*&%*&@!!!@#$-ING! cold outside!!

My fellow Chicagoan's and I have been temporarily transplanted to the arctic, and I want to die.
Can we please talk about the fact that this is what all of my pictures will look like from here on out?
And that was when I could expose my face! (and consequently my legs... Pantless El Ride 2009 whoop whoop!) Right now, though, I feel like I am in that movie with Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhal, The Day after Tomorrow. (I will be huddled up in a library burning books for warmth soon.)

Currently, I am sitting in my office wearing a scarf and cursing the fact that I wore mittens instead of gloves to work today, because my fingers are so cold that I am blogging in an effort to keep them moving! So in order to make me feel like there is hope I am going to post about things that make me happy- and some things that make me feel warmer.

Let's talk about all the AMAZING travel deals there are out there right now! American and United and JetBlue are all having sweet sales. Qantas is having a HUGE sale on flights to Oz. Deals on travel ALWAYS make me happy. So if you want to go visit someone or want to just get the heck outta dodge, now would be the time to buy kids.

Next thing, Liz, that wonderful lady, sent me this video and I think I was crying while watching it at work, because I was trying not to laugh loudly (and we know what a challenge that is...):

And then there is this:
Hee hee hee. That not only makes me happy, I think it just got hotter in here...

Then there is this answer to a question on a philosophy test I found last semester:
***If you can't read the hand writing it says: "very hard to understand the question :( but I hate Nazis."****

Vegas is only 45 days away! YESSS!

Ok that's about it for now. My fingers might snap if I move them much more. Thank god I am getting coffee to go over a script after work- oh and then bc other plans had to change I am going to see a late showing of Twilight... again...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Am I One of THOSE People Now?

Ok, so I have never been much for the looking up gorgeous actors on line and trying to find out all I can about their lives and that sort of thing. I have never been into it for a few reasons:

A. They are just people who happen to be good at acting, and who happen to look good doing it. I have plenty of friends who are damn good looking and doing the same thing on a smaller scale- but the most they get is Facebook stalked.
B. It's a little creepy. I mean the blogs and what nots devoted to ONE person written by total strangers (gooooo... I shudder).
C. Having a public figure for a brother, you kind of get your fair share of people blogging or what have you and making wildly false accusations about him, or sometimes you read things from women that are like, ok... ew... that's my brother... and other times its all very flattering and it makes me happy that strangers think so highly of him! But again, how the HECK do these people know some of these things?? Ya know??

NOW, my good friends are going to say something about my great ability to conduct in depth searches to find people, their contact info etc... I really think that I should be a P.I. (I am going to invest in the full outfit soon.) I can manipulate google search with the best of them. So, I ask, is it creepy to try to find someone online? I mean, let's face it, how many people google someone before they go on a date with them? (oddly I do not) What on earth did we do before google and facebook? It's weird, facebook has become a way to still know someone pretty damn well without ever talking to them. (I fully admit I spend way too much time on facebook. I blame the long hours of sitting at a desk...) But, this begs the question- with the dawn of things like facebook and myspace, where we all freely post personal information and pictures, when does it get creepy?

I agree with my friend who said if you put the info out there, then it's fair game. So, this is where I have decided draw my line. If it is some sort of sanctioned info, that a person knows is out there, then maybe its not so creepy to look up. Clearly, I have some level of vanity, I blog and think people actually want to read about what is going on in my head. This info that I put out there, I am okay with people knowing. So I just assume that if other people want to post things online about THEMSELVES its ok to be nosing around in it.

Ok, so here is where my new moral conflict comes in. As of late I have become completely enamored with Robert Pattinson- much like most women on this planet...
And my girls, being the wonderful people that they are, REALLY encourage my constant looking up of the dreamboat. They send me videos, photos, articles... sigh! I think I am slowly becoming one of those women I always dreaded I would- the type that makes comments about some person she knows very little REAL information about and might end up screaming in a mall when he walks in to sign a poster someday!

I have always thought I would be able to play it cool and not go the route of so many women, but as of late, I have decided I like having a crush on someone I will most likely never meet. It's so much easier! I get to build him up to the level of deity with absolutely no real chance of him ever letting me down- what's not to love?? I can safely say I used to laugh at people who would cry when they met someone famous, not that I am at the level of crying or anything, but I get WHY they cry now. They think they are meeting perfection itself. Crrraaazzzy.

So, yes, I am in love with the Robert Pattinson I have built up in my head. He's pretty much the best, you should be so lucky to meet him. haha. Do I think I am creepy for Internet hunting him? YES. Will I keep doing it... I am going to do my best to cutback... really.