Thursday, March 26, 2009

Instant Karma

I have been in a funk. I feel like I have been slapped by the Lazy stick and cannot find it in me to do anything productive lately. As of today though, I am not going to allow this weird mood to persist. I am making my lazy ass do random things just so I can be out of this fog. I am not sure what brought it on, but I think it's a whole slew of things- one big factor is the weather here in Chicago.


Mother nature is basically showing us her goodies and then saying, "no no, can't touch". (crazy old bat). Its like we get one nice day and the ENTIRE population of Chicago is outside, and then the next day its cold and rainy... I feel like I am in Ireland or something! But, anyway, I think I have been selfish and basically a waste of space.

So yesterday I rearranged my apartment, which is what I do when I need a change. I alter something significant about my surroundings, I dunno, it gives me a sense of control and a tangible instant shift in the direction of things. AND I clean. My kitchen and bedroom/living area are friggin sparkling people. My old roomies used to know when something was up because one room would be completely rearranged and spotless. ha!

TODAY! I set up some goals. I stopped making lists consistently for awhile there, which I think really threw things outta whack for me. I am completely unproductive without my lists. I am also going to a cardio class to work out some of this weird whatever is going on with me. (Whatever "it" is, "it" makes me want to walk around like a little kid saying "merg" and just flopping my arms and then disagreeing with everything you suggest I do. You know the type.) Then CJ and I are going O.U.T. Because, girl needs to dance it out a little I think.

I am a big believer in that you stay in a funk for as long as you will allow it. Your circumstances may suck, and you may not be able to change that, but your attitude about it is all on you. So to get out of a bad mood, sometimes you need to do something nice for yourself. But, for the sake of making the cosmos turn things in your favor, might I suggest doing something that not only gives you something to look forward to, but also is a way to give back?

Buy a pair of TOMS shoes. TOMS are instant karma if you ask me. You buy a pair of shoes- and when you do- a child in need gets a pair as well! See, boom! New Shoes for you (which always makes things better) and someone who needs them get some too! (It's totally what I did today- I got the gray canvas ones... sadly patterns and big feet do not mix, so plain colored ones it is, haha!) My other suggestion for giving back to get some warm fuzzies, is donate to the Global Alliance for Africa. This is SUCH a great organization, and I will GLADLY come and hug you for donating to this group :) Heck, I might even suggest planning a trip to Africa with them! How cool would that be to fund raise a trip to Africa for yourself in order to go help fight the AIDS epidemic and help orphans?! I say DO IT.

There are so many ways to brighten up a day that is seemingly going so far south that not even staring at Rob Pattinson can help. So, after a new pair of shoes and a clean rearranged apartment, I wish you Rob Pattinson kind of day, because I am back in hapyholly mode.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Madness

To update you all on the fish situation, since I know you are concerned: We have introduced some new fish to the tank. I do not trust the killer, but so far he is behaving-ish. We caught him chasing one fish and causing a big uprising in the tank... we shall see. I have already checked on the fish many times, I even yelled at a new fish to get away from him. Yes, I yelled at a fish... in the philosophy dept...I am that sane.

Today has been crazy.

I witnessed one of the WEIRDEST fundraisers I have ever seen. I went to get lunch in our student union. Here, clubs etc., often set up tables to sell things or make people sign up for something- normally they sell food or fair trade things blah blah blah.

Ah, but not for one girl and her folding table.

No, no. This girl... and I wish I could remember her club/cause, had a little something for the ladies. A table FULL of tampons. About 7 boxes of Tampax... or just single ones, whatever you needed, for sale. It looked REAL sketchy, I think this girl raided her dorm bathroom and has a pissed off roommate somewhere. I did a double take, as did everyone who walked by this lone girl and her table full of feminine products. I was like, whats next?

Thank god there wasn't a group of guys who were forced to sit right by her to watch March Madness ... oh waaaiiittt...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Swimmin' with Da Fishes...

We have had a murder in the philosophy department! I know, I know, it's hard to believe!

Here are the facts:

8 neon tetras were massacred in room CC 381 on the weekend of March 6th by an unnamed Black Widow Tetra. There were no eye witnesses, but as the woman who discovered the crime scene... and wishes to remain nameless for her own safety reports,

"I left the office at 4:30pm Friday, March 6, and returned to the office Monday morning to discover the mass murder."

According to this witness there were fish parts floating in the water, the filter, and the fake grass. This witness then proceeded to clean the crime scene as the Black Widow Tetra swam menacingly in the corner.

The Black Widow Tetra was new to the tank. He had been there only a few days before he began his killing spree. Our one crime scene witness says he was quiet and swam mostly by himself. She has kept him in the tank, and has not introduced any new fish to the area for fear of the safety of other fish. She also reports that he does not seem remorseful for his actions, instead seems empowered by what he has done.

The verdict is still out on what will happen to the Black Widow Tetra. As this is a Philosophy Dept. the question of ethical procedures is of the utmost importance. One Ethics professor believes he deserves the death penalty- Death by flushing. Why deprive other fish of a clean and normally safe habitat? Others have weighed in, but the question still remains. Do we allow this killer to live in solitude, in this tank that once peacefully house 8 other fish? Or do we kill him to and introduce another set of peaceful, loving fish to Crown Center 381? You be the jury.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

If I had $26,000,000.00.... I'd build a tree fort in our yard

Today my friend Kyle and I were discussing what we would do if we won the lottery. So I decided to look up the jackpot for the week, it is $26,000,000.00.

That, my friends, is a lot of dough.

His plan is very selfless- extravagant car aside. Mine I would say is pretty half and half.

I think I would pay off school loans and the ol' credit card first. Then buy a house in the city- very nice! Also, get a few places around the world- b/c why not?! Then I can say something like, "Oh I must go visit the house in Tuscany! See how the grapes are doing, and visit my Italian lover! He speaks little English, but the language of love is all we need anyway."

OF COURSE there will be a sweet ass around the world trip. But, I would still stay in hostels etc. That's the fun part of traveling- meeting people, ya know? I would do things like buy rounds for the bar, and get into impossible events. Bring friends along for the ride, do something overly frivolous like that for a few months and then come back to reality.

Oh my gosh, I would get laser hair removal. I WOULD NEVER SHAVE AGAIN. It would be amazing.

I think I would also do something for the rents. I owe them A LOT. So I would probably pay for the renovations on the house that we have needed since the flood of 1993... lol. I would set up all my siblings with some cash-ola. Then I would start investing in creative people I love.

I would set up a meeting with Warren Buffett and be like, "Sir, tell me what to do." And follow his advice. Maybe I should do that first- THEN do the crazy around the world trip. ( The never shaving again is number one on the list though... no exceptions).

I would invest in all the schools I attended. They gave me so much, I would want to give back. I think I would invest money in Omaha. It was such a great place to grow up, and it is growing so fast and has so much potential. I'd heavily invest in programs to keep the arts in schools. Find some politicians I believe in and help out their campaigns. Also, I would set up some sort of foundation to help issues of poverty and homelessness. (see look not all selfish!)

I WOULD GET SPACE BALL PUT IN MY HOUSE. Space ball, for those of you who do not know is the best game ever, see here.

I guess I would get a car. hmm. Yeah, I'd get a car, why not? No more CTA? ok!

Probably, I would get a really cool hair do too and a dog.

Oh, and this has nothing to do with my pending millionaire status, I guess... I would probably get to meet him with my supermoney status, but if all goes to plan I will meet him bc I am a stellar actress anyway, so...