Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I went home this weekend for the first time in 4 months! It was crazy how long it had been.

I like going home, it's just a good reminder of who I am, I LOVE MY FAMILY and it helps me look at things in a different way. It's undeniable that Omahans are different from Chicagoans. When I go home I have to remember that people think you are rude if you just breeze by them. I have to remember that the clerk at the check out does in fact want to talk. Also, if I walk into a bar/ restaurant or really any place where lots of people are gathered, my siblings will know someone. The cars are bigger, things are much more spread out and I am allergic to most things there now. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? I mean I know I have lived in Chicago for 6 years almost, so I guess now, without fail my allergies act up when I go home. It's bizarre.

This weekend was a blast though. I got in late and went to Barrett's with the siblings, then stayed up until about 3am talking with my mom. According to my siblings, when I am home, I make my mom exponentially goofier.

On Saturday, we went to my soon to be sister in-law's bridal shower at my cousin Beth's house, which is so cute! Then we went shopping and got our dresses fitted. It was fun and exhausting, so exhausting in fact that my mom did not think she could make it to the next room, so she looked at my dad- who is in a wheel chair that we call "The Red Roadster" because he had surgery, no worries he is recovering well- and said, "Can I have a ride to the next room?" and this is what followed: (sorry about the laughing... you will want to turn the volume waaaay down if you can...Kelly and I could not keep it together...)

Yes, they do in fact run into the doorjamb in the end.

So after that, Bill and I went and saw Monsters vs. Aliens in 3-D. It was pretty awesome. I cannot deny it.

The next day, my mom and I went to the grocery store to get food for our big celebration of Dan and Bill's birthdays. I love family dinner, and now with every one's significant others, it's getting bigger and bigger! (there are more people to make fun of). We grilled out, but because it was raining we had to grill in the garage with the door open (the garage now smells DELICIOUS). My mom and I cooked all day and that's when I noticed this little gem of a decoration in my parents kitchen:
What I want to know is how on earth I was the first one to make a joke about it?!

My Mom loves to decorate for the holidays... if you have ever been at our house at Christmas, you know what I am talking about. Its pretty awesome. We are a winter wonderland. Easter decor in the kitchen is getting pretty close though.

Anywho, we have dinner. It's delicious. Everyone is making jokes and telling stories. Then it was time for the game. Oh yes, there is only one way to properly celebrate a 29th and 26th birthday- Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Duh.

My mom and I saw it in the dollar aisle at the store and thought that we just could not, NOT get it. So, we taped it up in the hallway and set the stakes at this:

Winner would have the Title of Favorite Child of The Week (yes, this was open to anyone in attendance, Jim's girlfriend is usually the favorite- we call her "number one" all the time, I think she even signed my birthday card that way) and the surprise gift which was a statue of a crazy squirrel, holding a sign that says: Welcome to the Nut House. I wish I had a picture of it, bc it's really the freakiest garden statue ever.

After blind folding and spinning 9 people ages 19- 33, the game was over and Bill won the title of favorite child and the coveted freaky-ass statue. It was a good night.

Other notable events: my mother is convinced we are all going to get the Swine flu and she almost killed me while driving several times. So the Swine Flu does not scare me. I made it back to Chicago in one piece after driving with my mom, THAT's an accomplishment.

All in all. hOmaha was a great time. Now on to an excellent Chicago summer!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I have not posted in yonks and yonks!

But, that is because I have been working on a project. I am working with the Global Alliance for Africa to put on a kick azz fundraiser. Thanks to some really great bands, the talented Michael Wolfe (check out the sweet poster above) the fantastic DJ Chuck Wren and Subterranean, we have the event pretty much ready to go!

I am thrilled and EXPECT TO SEE YOU ALL THERE ON MAY 24, 2009! It's $15 for some sweet music at SubT. We will have a raffle for a chance at some cold hard cash and of course your donations will be most welcome!

Please check out the bands:
The Drastics: http://www.thedrastics.com/
Paper Thick Walls http://www.myspace.com/paperthickwalls
Sona the Voice http://www.myspace.com/sonathevoice
Scott Wesley http://www.myspace.com/scottwesleyband
DJ Chuck Wren

To get tickets, go here: http://www.globalallianceafrica.org/donation/index.php?hid_dns_type=1

(something a little more witty perhaps will come later this week).

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Favorite Appendage, My Phone.

I left my phone at home today.

I feel like I would be just as uneasy if I had left my right arm there as well. I don't even have a fancy phone. The coolest thing my phone can do is play music from the speaker on the side of it. And really, I am going to be at work... at a computer and by a land line phone... so really, I have no reason to be uneasy, but it has become such a part of me, that it feels wrong not to have it. I mean what if one of my friends sends me a hilarious text and I don't get to see it until 5:45pm??

  • Someone will get offended.
  • People will probably think I am dead...
This list could go on forever.

Basically, I am alive, I love you all, and please earth, keep on orbiting.

It kind of amazes me how dependent I am on my cell phone. I mean, I remember when having caller ID was super cool. Does anyone remember teen lines? I wanted one so badly, but my parents were not having any of that. Oh man, getting to have a phone in my room was a huge deal! (of course getting to decorate my room how I wanted was a big deal too... that's a story for another day, haha!) I had no use for a phone when I was 10 or 12, but little kids have WAY cooler phones than I do. It baffles me! Why does a 12 year old need an iphone? I can't even use one properly. My brother has one and I look at it the same way I look at Dick Cheney- what the hell am I supposed to do with that?

Clearly I am accessible, people know where I live, I have a work phone, 3 e-mail addresses I check regularly, facebook... ok, I am getting kind of disgusted by all the ways people can contact me- oh and I have a BLOG! Oooookaaaaayyy... hmm.

This shit is bananas. (I know a few people just sang b-a-n-a-n-a-s).

I assume at some point we will all have crackberries and iphones. I figure by the time I have kids, I will get my baby a going home outfit and a cell phone after she/he is born. (I will not have my kid behind in the times).

This is not to say I hate technology. I just am very bad at using it. I pretend like I know what to do sometimes... but normally, if I have a problem with one of my techy toys I either turn it off and on, and if that doesn't work I shake it and pray that something shifts back into place. I actually have a tiny little laptop now... for everyone who knows the SAGA of my old hp, she is still working, it was just time to move on. Now I have the tiniest pink computer- you would be shocked. Its really cool- I am proud of me :)

My mother has learned how to use the Internet. My mother did not know how to turn a computer on 2 months ago, now she is googling her children. She told me she has been googling me. hahaha... that's a little unsettling.

I don't own a camera that develops film anymore.

It is normal for people to meet potential life partners via online dating sites. Um... I still remember when chat rooms were taboo and it was considered CRAZY to meet someone you found on line in person. I still am not ok with it. I get that we are all busy but, for real? No offense if you like dating sites, I still prefer to meet someone in person and make sure that photo was not airbrushed- THEN I go home and on line "research" you, duh.

And really, texting, dear god what on EARTH do people do without it? I have made more bad decisions and said so many things I never would have if it weren't for the ability to text. I mean basically, I can talk to anyone at any time, say REALLY stupid things, and attach a personality to a guy that does not exist because we don't actually talk on the phone- we maintain a text relationship. awesome. See here for an accurate account of what text dating is like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX3ws6OnGuE

Moral of the story, I have not developed film in ages, I do not have a land line in my apartment and I don't know what I would do without facebook. I have a phone to talk to like 7 people and I text all the rest. ha.