Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ode to the Theme Party

So I was looking through my facebook photos today and realized that I am in costume or some sort of planned uniform A LOT. Its not like I just wander around in costume, I have places to go. I just seem to be stock piling such opportunities as of late.

To begin, there was October 14th- the best day of the year, my birthday. We had a theme party, Hippster v. Preppy:Seriously, look at all those hipsters... and then there is me- the Prep and Reggie was Kanye, that mystical mix of prep and hipster.

Of Course there is Halloween, my favorite holiday, when the ladies of the Boca Vis Country club and I rocked out in style and my other fabulous ladies cranked out some fantastic costumes as well:
That same weekend, November 1st- November 4th, I spent everyday in a Jim Esch T-Shirt and hoodie- along with everyone else I know in Omaha: (That's my lovely backside).
November 22nd was the first annual Turkey Tackle. MY TEAM WON! heeeellllllllls yeeaaaahh!!!! ... ahem... anywho, we all had t-shirts made, played football and then feasted:
December 5th: The Movember Party:
This stunning photo is of my friend and Andy and me (I know the mustache had you confused... but yes, it is me). Andy grew a stache for all of November to raise money for prostate cancer, I went along to the party because I am a mustache enthusiast. I helped turn him into Mark Twain (he should have won for his excellent costume, but came in runner-up) and then I dressed for the '80's. (He was 1880's I was 1980's haa...haaa...)

The next night, December 6th, I went to an ugly sweater party: I mean HELLO, classy classy ladies.
I am rather proud of all of these events. I do not know when my life became all about the theme but, I think I saw it coming at Mary's WT birthday bash back in September:

This weekend I am going to this Wondrous event: Santacon.

My life is an ode to the theme party. I live it. I love it. And you should join in.

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