Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I have not gotten political in awhile, but I HAVE to say something about the people who are FREAKING out over the man leading our country giving a speech about staying in school...

Now it should be noted that, yes, I voted for him. I had serious issues with our past president, but I have never, in my life, voted party-line. I do primarily vote Democrat, but if I think a Republican or Independent can do a better job, then I vote for that person. I do not think one party is right, I do not think that any one person has it right. If there is a person out there who does have it all correct, holy crap! You should change your name to God.

OK, that's out of the way...

So first of all YES, I have read the speech, and you can too: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2009/images/09/07/obama.school.speech.pdf

But you know, I guess I can see why people would be concerned:

Oh dear god, he talks about living in another country! Oh my gosh, no, he talks about himself, he is making himself sympathetic to our children! What if they like him? What if they are inspired by this person who was elected to lead our country and make major decisions that affect our everyday lives?

But, he is talking about disadvantaged people... some of them are Latino and African American OH NO...What if they figure out that he makes regular speeches... what if they learn something about him? Oh god what if this speech starts a trend in schools where they have a class about modern issues... or worse! They have to learn about ALL presidents!

(oh, wait... those classes exist? American History, Government and the like? Oh... right... whoops! My bad!)

What if my kid learns about what the president's agenda is? This is bad, SO bad. My kid should not know what's going on! I don't want her or him to know about this stuff, they could form an opinion and oh no.. oh no...OH GOD! MY KID WILL POSSIBLY STAY IN SCHOOL!

(end sarcastic rant).

(begin serious concerns).

What kind of country do we live in, that we think our leader; who was elected to power- he did not somehow assume power- is the enemy? I do not think he is trying to create some sort of crazy super socialist society.

I get the concerns about the health care plan. I don't think he is going about it in the right way. Personally, I think that members of Congress should not be deciding how this should play out. I believe an independent group (kind of like how the Federal Reserve is independent) should be coming up with a health care plan. It should be people who work in insurance and health care and people who have extensively studied the problems within our health care system that should be coming together to come up with solutions that will gradually make it possible. THERE IS NO BAND AID (haha, get it? health care, band aid...) But truly, when you are down and out, when you are suddenly fired because your company HAS to downsize, you will be thankful that you can go to the doctor. I don't see why people are against that basic principle.

I understand not liking your leader. I was in that boat once, but you have to realize that he is our President. He represents us on a global scale. You better know what he is saying. Your kids better understand the image the world has of them. Ignorance is NOT the answer. Ignorance is how the Hitlers of the world came about. It is how hate and lies are spread. Educate yourselves, educate your children, ALLOW them the opportunity to hear a good solid message: that they have the power within them to do amazing things.

Every president talks to children. Where was Bush when 9-11 happened: Here.

This speech is a good message. It's an important message. It is not a political message.

It's simply reaffirming an opinion we all share.

It is okay to be united. It's what we are: the United States of America.

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