Monday, June 6, 2011

My Kind of Town- Portrayed ALL WRONG

So I am a fan of the new Show Happy Endings. It's pretty funny, I like the characters, the story moves along well, and I think there is something for everyone in it.

Ah, but of course, there has to be a hiccup... and it's a big one for me. This show is supposed to be about Chicago... but... ummm... (begin the RANT):
Why are the streets super wide?
Why are there subway entrances everywhere and not the ELEVATED Train?
It's Clybourn Ave NOT Clybourne Ave...

I want to like this show so badly but I can't love it because they got Chicago ALL WRONG.

I feel like they took some pictures with the cast showing the Chicago skyline in the background and said, yep- this is Chicago: It's somewhere between LA and NYC, so maybe if we combine elements of both cities that MUST be what Chicago is like... right?

But alas- why is it not humid?
Where is the lake?
What the heck neighborhood do they live in?
Why does no one complain about the Wrigleyville traffic?
How on EARTH did the opening scene, with the bride running out of the wedding, take place in a church right in front of Buckingham fountain? Were you floating on a Church boat in Lake Michigan?

The one thing they did get right were the hipsters, and that was a good episode. But I live in Hipster-Land and I am sorry that place where they go to the party is not anything like my neighborhood.

I think ever since shows like Sex and the City made a point of making their shows a little love note to the city, we all expect it. My Boy's is a great example of how the city could be incorporated! I mean the acting and writing were meh, but I still watched religiously as TBS paid hommage to Chi-town.

I love Chicago- for cryin out loud- this is not hard ABC! Hire a Chicagoan to turn this weird california/brooklyn pizza kitchen into a Deep Dish!

(end rant).

1 comment:

Natalie Would said...

It's so true! Even Mean Girls didn't portray Evanston, IL super accurately (i.e. Old Orchard being an indoor mall, etc.). At least The Dark Knight did it some justice!