Thursday, March 26, 2009

Instant Karma

I have been in a funk. I feel like I have been slapped by the Lazy stick and cannot find it in me to do anything productive lately. As of today though, I am not going to allow this weird mood to persist. I am making my lazy ass do random things just so I can be out of this fog. I am not sure what brought it on, but I think it's a whole slew of things- one big factor is the weather here in Chicago.


Mother nature is basically showing us her goodies and then saying, "no no, can't touch". (crazy old bat). Its like we get one nice day and the ENTIRE population of Chicago is outside, and then the next day its cold and rainy... I feel like I am in Ireland or something! But, anyway, I think I have been selfish and basically a waste of space.

So yesterday I rearranged my apartment, which is what I do when I need a change. I alter something significant about my surroundings, I dunno, it gives me a sense of control and a tangible instant shift in the direction of things. AND I clean. My kitchen and bedroom/living area are friggin sparkling people. My old roomies used to know when something was up because one room would be completely rearranged and spotless. ha!

TODAY! I set up some goals. I stopped making lists consistently for awhile there, which I think really threw things outta whack for me. I am completely unproductive without my lists. I am also going to a cardio class to work out some of this weird whatever is going on with me. (Whatever "it" is, "it" makes me want to walk around like a little kid saying "merg" and just flopping my arms and then disagreeing with everything you suggest I do. You know the type.) Then CJ and I are going O.U.T. Because, girl needs to dance it out a little I think.

I am a big believer in that you stay in a funk for as long as you will allow it. Your circumstances may suck, and you may not be able to change that, but your attitude about it is all on you. So to get out of a bad mood, sometimes you need to do something nice for yourself. But, for the sake of making the cosmos turn things in your favor, might I suggest doing something that not only gives you something to look forward to, but also is a way to give back?

Buy a pair of TOMS shoes. TOMS are instant karma if you ask me. You buy a pair of shoes- and when you do- a child in need gets a pair as well! See, boom! New Shoes for you (which always makes things better) and someone who needs them get some too! (It's totally what I did today- I got the gray canvas ones... sadly patterns and big feet do not mix, so plain colored ones it is, haha!) My other suggestion for giving back to get some warm fuzzies, is donate to the Global Alliance for Africa. This is SUCH a great organization, and I will GLADLY come and hug you for donating to this group :) Heck, I might even suggest planning a trip to Africa with them! How cool would that be to fund raise a trip to Africa for yourself in order to go help fight the AIDS epidemic and help orphans?! I say DO IT.

There are so many ways to brighten up a day that is seemingly going so far south that not even staring at Rob Pattinson can help. So, after a new pair of shoes and a clean rearranged apartment, I wish you Rob Pattinson kind of day, because I am back in hapyholly mode.


wisdomous said...

Mmmm... thanks for the RPattz pic!

Elvis said...

Ooooh... I like the sparkly tom shoes!

Unknown said...

Another suggestion to get out of a funk.... cut your hair!!