Friday, June 19, 2009

These are the Tea Bags of our lives...

Recently, we have been using a different company at work to purchase our normal orders. Therefore, we have new tea. This is the most dramatic tea ever. So to pay tribute to the pain and strife the people on these boxes seem to go through, I shall begin the:

Tea Bag Saga

We begin the saga with the back story of our Hero...

It was the year 2009, and for one crazy adventurer, Derek Darjeeling, the adventure of a lifetime was about to begin. Derek was a rugged handsome man of 34. His curly hair, muscular build and kind face always made him the center of attention with the ladies. But Derek never really cared about all that. He was a quiet man, always reading about far off lands, and far off times. He yearned for adventure on the seas; battling pirates and swabbing the deck. Or maybe the day when he could climb a peak and live there amongst the elements in peace. A place and time with no cell phones, no computers and no microwaves. He hated microwaves.

Due to geography, and the fact that he needed his job teaching 2nd grade, his adventure seeking took place in the evenings after the school bell rang. Derek could be found in the mountains, climbing and hiking; seeking out adventure in the purest forms possible. He loved the feel of the sun on his face and weight of the pack of supplies on his back. His well worn jeans, that conveniently zipped off into shorts for those extra hot days, and his blue flannel shirt with his lucky beater were his favorite things to put on. They signaled time in his favorite places!He used to only eat what he could hunt or find, but after a very bad run in with some poisonous berries, he decided organic food was close enough, and said it was only sort of cheating to pack Clif Bars. On the weekends he hiked and camped until it was time to do lesson plans and correct papers.

Now, Derek was not a total loner though. He occasionally went hiking with other enthusiasts, and had childhood friends in his hometown of Oolong. He coached track at his grade school, and enjoyed many of his co-workers.

Derek was good teacher. His still vivid imagination made him a favorite amongst the kids. His dashing good looks made sluts out of the students' mothers and nannies. But, Derek hardly noticed. Derek never noticed anyone giving him extra attention. He cared only about finding his way out the small town of Oolong and women were only a distraction for that plan.

You might be asking why at 34 Derek had not been able to leave Oolong, but as with many small town boys, Derek was a total mama's boy. Derek's mother was very sick and still needed a lot of help. Derek, being the good man that he is, lived with her and took care of her... actually he had never lived without her...On the weekends a nurse would come stay so Derek could get away.

Derek had promised his mother he would not leave her side while she still needed him. Of course, he was 21 and about to graduate college then, and really, he thought his mother would have kicked it by now, and was actually quite regretting the promise. (He even tried to trick her saying he was drafted into the army, but she googled the draft and found out it was no longer in place and promptly hid his hiking boots as punishment). So he gave up hope of escaping the doldrums of his small town life, and decided to make the best of it... until one fateful friday.

join us next week for the continuation of The Tea Bag Saga.

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