Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In Honor of TJ's 23rd

Today is my cousin TJ's 23rd birthday.

TJ died a few months ago suddenly, and his death taught me a few things and also reinforced realities I tend to ignore. This is going to be more of a ramble and an homage to someone so young who probably taught me more than I knew he did in his short life.

Life is really eff-ing short

TJ was smart. I mean SMART.
I heard someone say at his funeral that he lived like he knew he only had 22 years.

I don't think I saw TJ not "on". It's like he tried to suck every last thing he could out of a moment.

- He was a smart ass (a quality I appreciate in people)
- He could build ANYTHING, and if he didn't know how, he figured it out
- He could dance- well, I mean he danced. It was awkward actually, but damn it if he didn't try! ha!
- He was happy
- He was always "doing". Which leads me to...

Do It.
I don't think many of us live by this principle. I know I don't, not in the way I want to. It was something I told myself I would do when I got back from his funeral, but I sorta let it fall to the way side.

Be Who You Are. Someone is bound to like it!
TJ had this sorta cockiness to him that very few people can get away with. He was TJ. He practiced his signature because he knew he would need it to be as impressive as he was. haha.

Be Bold and Curious
Live with energy and a want to experience the world.

I dunno, I could go on and on, but I feel like, this is what I wanted to say. I am proud to have been his cousin, and I am proud of all he did in his 22 years of life.

This isn't meant to be a sad post. This is meant to be a big thank you for being Good at truly living, TJ.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for the lesson TJ!! I know you were truly loved!