A. They are just people who happen to be good at acting, and who happen to look good doing it. I have plenty of friends who are damn good looking and doing the same thing on a smaller scale- but the most they get is Facebook stalked.
B. It's a little creepy. I mean the blogs and what nots devoted to ONE person written by total strangers (gooooo... I shudder).
C. Having a public figure for a brother, you kind of get your fair share of people blogging or what have you and making wildly false accusations about him, or sometimes you read things from women that are like, ok... ew... that's my brother... and other times its all very flattering and it makes me happy that strangers think so highly of him! But again, how the HECK do these people know some of these things?? Ya know??
NOW, my good friends are going to say something about my great ability to conduct in depth searches to find people, their contact info etc... I really think that I should be a P.I. (I am going to invest in the full outfit soon.) I can manipulate google search with the best of them. So, I ask, is it creepy to try to find someone online? I mean, let's face it, how many people google someone before they go on a date with them? (oddly I do not) What on earth did we do before google and facebook? It's weird, facebook has become a way to still know someone pretty damn well without ever talking to them. (I fully admit I spend way too much time on facebook. I blame the long hours of sitting at a desk...) But, this begs the question- with the dawn of things like facebook and myspace, where we all freely post personal information and pictures, when does it get creepy?
I agree with my friend who said if you put the info out there, then it's fair game. So, this is where I have decided draw my line. If it is some sort of sanctioned info, that a person knows is out there, then maybe its not so creepy to look up. Clearly, I have some level of vanity, I blog and think people actually want to read about what is going on in my head. This info that I put out there, I am okay with people knowing. So I just assume that if other people want to post things online about THEMSELVES its ok to be nosing around in it.
Ok, so here is where my new moral conflict comes in. As of late I have become completely enamored with Robert Pattinson- much like most women on this planet...
I have always thought I would be able to play it cool and not go the route of so many women, but as of late, I have decided I like having a crush on someone I will most likely never meet. It's so much easier! I get to build him up to the level of deity with absolutely no real chance of him ever letting me down- what's not to love?? I can safely say I used to laugh at people who would cry when they met someone famous, not that I am at the level of crying or anything, but I get WHY they cry now. They think they are meeting perfection itself. Crrraaazzzy.
So, yes, I am in love with the Robert Pattinson I have built up in my head. He's pretty much the best, you should be so lucky to meet him. haha. Do I think I am creepy for Internet hunting him? YES. Will I keep doing it... I am going to do my best to cutback... really.
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