Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Will it work if I say it was because I was hopped up on Caffeine?

So in honor of my Catholic guilt, that will always live in me, I am going hardcore for Lent. I am giving up booze and my crappy eating/living style.

Before people get up in arms about me not drinking... let me address that reaction. I have had the most amazing reactions to giving up booze, for example(my top 10):

1. Well now I can't invite you to ________. You will be the only one not drinking!
2. What are you going to do on weekends?
3. So like what? You are going to sit at home?
4. WHAT????
5. Really? Oh man, now I feel bad. Ok I will give up liquor... but not beer or wine. And I need to drink on dates. Ok, no. I will give up drinking, except on dates.
6. WHY?
7. You're giving up 2 of the best things in life?
8. HA! yeah right...
9. Shit, so are you just gonna go to movies and stuff now?
10. Your religion is getting in the way of our friendship.

OK. First of all... um not drinking does not all of sudden take away my age... I can still go bars and drink DIET COKE. My reaction to caffeine alone should have been illegal before 21 anyway! I am so high energy all the time, I don't need anything to keep me up until 4am.

Secondly, anyone who knows me, knows that all you need to say is, "Holly, I think we are going danc..." and I will be like, "Ok, I will go dancing with you. Done." Being sans alcoholic beverage will not take away my ability to socialize. haha.

I also will not judge anyone for drinking in front of me. Clearly I do not see it as a bad thing, merely as a REALLY hard thing to give up for 40 days.

I appreciate the concern though. Thank you friends, because you know what? I have some concerns about it too:
WHAT ON EARTH do I blame my bad decisions on? A caffeine buzz?

And why are people terrified of me giving it up? THAT concerns me more... I mean... really. Really? Lol.

Now, my love for the Big J.C. aside, my brother Bill is getting married in May. Bill, of Smith and Esch Fitness is getting married. I am sorry... do you know how physically fit that wedding is going to be? My mom and I were discussing it and we were like, this is gross. Now we have to get in shape, ew. So, in order to get so svelt all da boys will melt, I think cutting out the booze should speed that up, in conjunction with not eating a load of shit.

Let's discuss my fridge as of today. Shall we? In it is some soy milk (I'm a lactard), carrots, pepperoni, half a tube of cookie dough, butter and I think some ketchup. In the freezer are frozen bananas and some veggie medley I never made. In my cupboards there's cereal and baking necessities that will not actually make a damn thing, because they do not go together to make anything delicious. Oh and of course, microwave popcorn. (My friend John once said I was just stereotyping myself by living this way. Ha.)

Clearly, I order food a lot... so giving up junk food will hopefully make me learn to cook something, ya know, so that one day my poor children are not asking me why they only get Pb & J and healthy choice microwave meals.

I have high hopes... 40 days and counting...

1 comment:

froyo911 said...

ok ill stop putting that whiskey in your coffee every morning then