Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It is time for another installment of my favorite things

Today seems like the day for it (and an obligatory picture of someone gorgeous... because WHY NOT?)

I kind of pride myself on being that person that my friends and sometimes random acquaintances send funny/odd things to. So I have quite the arsenal these days. - DO NOT PAY FOR THERAPY. Simply go to this site and read about the crappiness of other peoples' days and you will feel better. Don't believe me? Read this:

Today, my guy friend and I were in his dorm room watching a movie when he started kissing me. Things heated up so we moved things over to his bed. He was on me when a hand shoots down from his top bunk. His roommate had been up there the whole time and he wanted a high-five. So they high-fived. FML

This one is a gem because it can have a few responses:
1. Holy crap I was that guy in college and I did high five someone... twice (that's a condensed response from a dear friend of mine)
2. Whew! I was not the only one.
3. Damn. At least I did not have to deal with that!

all which mean- I feel good about my life :)


For the sports fans in us all there is this BEAUTIFUL site... now wait, there is a catch. Not only can people (usually men) write in and ask about fantasy draft picks or rant about games, they can ask the panel questions about sex, which are often too funny to read at work.


Other thing I love is this site is so great. It's a search engine for flights. Not only that, but they will send you updates when prices drop even $2. It will search for selected dates and send you random updates for the places you travel to most. I love it... I still get e-mails from every site possible, but in my opinion they are the tops!


As many of you know; I have a windowless office. Sometimes it will be storming outside and I will have no clue, until, I put on a thin jacket as I am ready to leave and realize I am terribly screwed. (This is also my fault because I do not check the weather...) So in order to get through the day I blog, but I also listen to the music Davonna sends me: Not only can you get 2008- there is the best of bootie from 2005- 2008. Yes, I am listening to the best of bootie in the philosophy dept.


Favorite happening in the department this week:

ME: So our meeting is at 3:30 tomorrow, right?
Old Man Professor: Yes, but Linda cannot make it until 4... Kate will be here at 3:30. I don't want you here past 5, so...
he gets cut off because a student walks up to ask me a question.
Old Man Professor nods to her and continues his sentence.
Old Man Professor: ... let's just do it quick and dirty then. okay?
female student looks awkwardly at me
Old Man Professor: I meant as far as time... for our meeting... NOT you and me and... you know... I....
Me: Dr. ________! Slams head on desk laughing.
Old man professor walks quickly away.


And as for a cute guy... we are going to go with an old love of mine: Jim Sturgess :)

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